26 June 2007

Two Weeks in Managua

Well...I have been in Nicaragua for two weeks now. There is so much to tell that I don't really know where to start. Electricity during the day is almost a rare luxury, even if you are somewhere that has a generator and a router, it doesn't necessarily mean that there is internet access...because the power is probably out at the cable company.

For those of you at the River, I have seen several of your favorite kids...but not all. I see Miguel and Yara (and her sisters) at church, and I have talked to Enrique on the phone. I saw Alejandro in La Chureca last week. My friend Dan offered him a spot at a autobody vocational school nearby there, but sadly he declined because he said he had too much work to do in Chureca. I'm going to go back there Thursday for a kids playday (school is out this week.)

As far as my personal arrangements...I am living with a missionary named Mark while his family is away. Dan and I are planning on getting a house in the beginning of August. My Spanish is improving, but is still not where I want it to be. I have been teaching in the school with Mike Deibert, and there are, of course, problems to deal with. On the whole, however, things are going well. The Nica HOPE directors are here this week, so we should see more about what the future of the schools will look like. I am definitely going to need a vehicle, so if everyone would pray that I can find something (and have the funds for it) then I would really appreciate it.

Mike has found a true man of peace named Freddy to help in the schools. He is Nica, and really a good example for the other boys to see. He has 7 brothers and sisters in the US, but believes that God wants him to stay in Nicaragua to help his people. He always has a smile and a hymn to sing while he is working. Right now they have a project putting a railing up around a house, and Freddy has really boosted their motivation in ways that Mike and I never could.


...sorry, I lost internet before I could put the link up before. Here is the new album.

Blacksmithing School and Flat Tire Night in the Village


Unknown said...

can,t find pictures

Unknown said...

The pictures are good
are the nice buildings the embassy